Monday, September 26, 2011

Just ROLL with it mom!!

Well the other day, September 15th, 2011 to be exact, my baby girl decided she wanted to roll over to her belly! I can't believe how big she is getting. I actually thought, hey, as a new mom so far I don't think I have been crazy with the worrying that goes on, you know, when they sleep and stuff. Oh but now. Now I know what worrying is and I'm smart enough to know that this is just the beginning.
Bryce thinks I'm a freak because I'm worrying about it, but I think he is naive. Bryce's response to me being worried about the fact that she could suffocate if I'm not there to soon after she rolls over was, "No, she is the cutest". What the heck does being cute have to do with rolling back over? Nothing! He just likes to push my buttons when he thinks I'm being crazy, by saying things that he thinks are equally crazy and absurd, what a nerd!
Well, I just thought I would post about Audrey's big roll and how it makes me feel as a mother. I do want her to grow and develop at a normal pace, I'm sure I would be equally nervous if she weren't rolling soon. Women right? Sheese we are difficult to please!

1 comment:

Aimee said...

Ah welcome to my world...I understand about the hubs not on board with your anxieties, but I guess it's good that you are not both panicking, right? Whenever you feel like you are crazy you just give me a call and we can discuss it :)