Monday, January 23, 2012

close calls

My baby girl has been watched over lately, and I don't mean by me. A couple of weeks ago I put Audrey on her changing table, strapped her in and stepped into her closet for a minute to grab her outfit before I put her into the bath. I came back to find her sitting on the edge of her dresser with her butt teetering on the edge with her back ready to slam down on the floor! That little worm had wiggled her way out of the safety strap rolled over and sat up some how.
The other night after I had finished cooking dinner, I left Audrey in her walker alone in the kitchen seriously for a few seconds. As I was heading back into the kitchen, I heard a loud crash. I turned the corner to see her sitting in her walker and my griddle on the floor to the side of her. Luckily the griddle wasn't plugged in and hot, so there's a point for me! I was also relieved to see that it hadn't slammed down on my little Audrey's head. It really could have done some damage, well it did, just not to Audrey thank goodness. Can't say as much for my now broken griddle and my now chipped wood floor because of it.
Everyday is a learning curve for me and the little one, hopefully I catch on a little quicker than she does! Lesson learned this week.....bad things happen when I leave the room.
This is the solid metal griddle that could have cracked Audrey's head...

the first of I'm sure many chips in my wood floor....

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