Tuesday, August 7, 2012

bath mat.........check!

Ever since Audrey discovered the back of the tub was a slide or as she puts it, "weeeee", we have had a few accidents as you will see. I didn't catch her first fall on video but look who hops right back up and heads on over to the  "weeeee" again!

Needless to say, my motherly instincts really kicked in and we purchased her a bath mat. We are trying to discourage guts and such in the bath tub.
(no one was seriously injured during the filming of this video)


Rob and Bri said...

Haha!!! Oh that makes me laugh. I remember before you had kids you'd always laugh when kids fell down and you thought you were going to be a terrible mother because of it. Well obviously the terrible mother thing is not true because it is just funny when kids fall down. They fall down all the time! She is gonna love that you posted that video of her someday...her naked little bum. Too funny. Thanks for sharing :)

Aimee said...

Ha, so cute. Love her little screams.