Sunday, November 1, 2009


Well this year for Halloween I just wanted to hang out after passing out candy, and watch a scary movie. My parents came over along with Jamie and Parker. They wanted to dress up last minute, so we did, it was pretty fun to see them in there costumes.
Thanks for the fun night! Happy Halloween!!!

More pictures to come, I need to get them from my mom.


Aimee said...

Those are way cute costumes, I love 'em!

Uriona Family said...

Surprise surprise you look adorable in your costume instead of looking like a freak like I would have. :)

And...YOU will be AWESOME in primary. It seems like you just got put in YW, they are surely going to miss you in there. You are a wanted woman!!

Melissa said...

You guys look great in your comstumes! How fun!

spenceandcass said...

You guys look great!