She has had colic since day 1 and gave her mom and dad quite the fit. Her poor belly would just turn and turn and it was so hard to not be able to do much about it (and to listen to the crying). I was told by several people to take her to a chiropractor, and after about 11 weeks of it, I had finally had enough of it so I took her to see a guy in our ward. He said she was not aligned, so he straightened her out, not what your thinking, with the twisting of the little head and all. He just took this small little tool that pulses on her spine lightly to push it back into place. I went about 3 times in a 1 week period and can I tell you the difference in my child? She's not completely healed, but she is soooo much happier...and so is mommmy, and she takes naps now, not just 5 min cat naps.
I tried breastfeeding, Audrey had a hard time latching at first and my milk never came in completely. I gave it a go for a little over a month and finally gave in. It just wasn't meant to be this time around. I had a really hard time with it for some reason, I felt a lot of emotions about it, like I was already failing in the mom department. Probably a hard thing to explain unless you've been there.
She started smiling at around 5 1/2 weeks and boy oh boy do I love that. She can be a complete pill, but then oh, she smiles, and she makes everything alllll better!
People were right, about 6-7 weeks with Audrey and she was sleeping much better through the night. At the moment, I'm doing 1 feeding during the night, which is great, but I'm still so tired...have I mentioned I like my sleep??
She is working her little neck and has been holding it up since about 11 weeks or so. Audrey is such a kicker, she kicks things so hard sometimes, I think she probably has bruised little heels.
Bryce and I were doing a parade of homes home when we found out we were pregnant. So I was pregnant during the whole process of the home, luckily I had a great pregnancy. We had Audrey and then 2 weeks later, I had to jump right back into the thick of things because we were at the tail end of the home..luckily I have a great partner, my mom, who picked up all sorts of slack on my behalf. So for the first 2 1/2 months of the kids life, she didn't know where home was or what a schedule was. Our lives were crazy and still are, but hopefully we are adapting a little bit better. I'm still working full time, we have 3 houses going right now and we just signed up a new client in Logan, making that 4, ahhhhhhhh, what am I doing?????
Well that's just a little bit of what's been going on in our home. Here are some pictures we have taken the last little while.
Audrey at the hospital

1st night home, she wanted to stretch out after being in mom's belly

my little bunny rabbit

can someone dim the lights please?

big eyes

the crib my dad created at his house

Audrey and Daddy
Audrey and teddy

Audrey's first swim
and it didn't last long
Colic?! Oh man, I'm sorry! It is already so hard to adjust to a little one, I can't imagine throwing in colic! So happy to hear that the chiropractor was able to help. That is good info. I've never heard of that before. Nursing, don't worrry about it. You're an amazing mom, and seriously formula is just fine. Oliver was on formula for a year and is healthy as can be. Plus it was so nice that Jeremy could help feed him. Can't really do that with nursing! Oh yes and one more thing, her little swimsuit is the cutest thing I've ever seen. What a precious little baby babe!
So cute! I need to hold her again...
She is so cute!!! I am sad I havent been able to meet her yet. I am so excited for your new family, it only gets better every day! I wish I was closer so I could see you houses also. I need pics. We are looking to finally and hesitantly leave Alaska so we will see how close we can get to you guys. Maybe someday I will have one of your coveted homes. Mine just went up on Mon for sale.....SO SAD! Oh well, on to new adventures just like you. Congrats again, I hope she is not 5 before I get to meet her. Love ya, tell the family Hi!
That is a rough start. My milk dried up at only 3 weeks so I know that feeling. I can't wait to meet her. I wonder how old she'll bee, hahaha.
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