I can complain cause it's my blog, so I don't want to hear about how bad you had it or how easy it was for you when you were a parent of young children... just listen to me vent and say how sorry you feel for me.
The fact that I work, makes it difficult to give my child a complete schedule, therefore leaving our nights not sleeping very well. She had a couple of nights where she slept the whole night through, but then we went on a few vacations and that messed everything up. She has been doing the 4:30 thing on me and yes it's killing me.
I think Bryce wrapped it up in a nut shell when he said, "I don't think it matters if she sleeps the whole night or not, getting up at 7:00am is hard. I'm just the kind of person that needs to sleep in later." I agree, however, I don't quite know what he's talking about, like he gets up with Audrey, nor does he ever hear me get up with her. Poor Bryce. NO! Poor me remember, this is my blog, I'm taking the little time I do have to right this thing, so you will all feel sorry for me. hehehe
I've been trying the binky thing when she does wake up. She does go right back to sleep, but of course it takes me 2 hours to get myself back to sleep because I'm a freak, lot's going through my mind. Who's gonna rock me back to sleep? This last week Audrey has had a couple of nights that she didn't wake up, but of course that's when the dog wakes me up to take her out to potty because she ate some sort of garbage on the job site or I happen to be up sneezing and blowing my nose with allergies or I'm just being a freak and looking at the monitor to see if she's ok.
I guess the question really isn't when will Audrey sleep through the night, it's when will I?