This past little while I have been thinking of the things that my little Audrey does, that I just adore and I wanted to write them down because it won't be long and she will have moved on to something else and I will soon forget.....
The first thing that I have to type down into history is one that she already doesn't do anymore and I miss it so much and could never catch it on film because it was a sneeze. When Audrey first started to sneeze she would do 1, 2 sneeze and then on the 3rd would do just the acting of the sneeze saying "a---chu" totally breathing out this long "chu" sound at the end, with no actual sneeze coming out. Bryce and I would just laugh and laugh and would find ourselves totally listening intently every time she would sneeze not wanting to miss it and of course being so disappointed when she didn't do it. She only did the "fake" sneeze for a few months but I still find myself listening for it every time she happens to sneeze.
I absolutely love how we start our day off. I love that Audrey wakes up so happy. First thing in the morning, from a nap, or if I have to go wake her up. She always puts that cute smile on her face and then digs her feet into the mattress to lift her back. I'm so glad she is a happy camper and I hope that is something that will continue as I wake her for school over the years.
Bath time is one of my favorites. I love that there is no cell phone dealing with work, no TV, Audrey has just been fed so she is happy and I am as well. It's just me and her and nothing else. I find myself getting irritated through out the day with sometimes the smallest things like changing a diaper as she rolls all over the place after I have just strategically placed the diaper where it needed to be, I'm sure there are other mothers out there like me right? Bath time isn't one of those times. I just love watching her kick and splash as I sing and make her smell good. It is almost bringing me to tears as I write this, thinking that those days will soon pass as I have seen how quickly her 7th month will be here.
Smile... need I say more?
The next is the car. I loved it the moment Audrey figured out where I was. I will hear her little head move on the fabric of her car seat and I know she's looking at me. I will unsafely look back over my shoulder at her and all I can see is one big eye looking at me. She will stare for a moment and then turn around only for me to hear that fabric sound again finding that we do this over and over and I continue to drive very unsafely. If you people could only share that moment with the one eye, I think you would understand. I can't NOT look!!!
Audrey since day one has loved her blanky. She does this thing when she is falling asleep where she is holding on to the blanket with one hand and then with the other hand pulls the fabric up towards the sky like she's playing a harp or guitar. I can't quite figure out why that is relaxing, but it seems to be for her.
She loves tags. A tag on anything and Audrey can find it. Blankets, burp cloths, bibs, toys, play mats etc...She will roll it through her fingers over and over like it's a little silky. That ends up being more entertaining that the actual toy that it's on, for some reason.
Talking/screaming/concentrating. Audrey gets so excited and let's out the loudest screams at times. If your holding her, you can totally feel her abs tighten up as she pushes out every breath of air she has. I also just plain and simply love listening to her coo 's and caw's and the things she thinks are words. When Audrey is studying something, trying to figure out what it is or how to get it in her mouth or play with it. She puts her little lips together making them look like a duck and then the eye brows furrow down, she usually bounces her head around while slapping and kicking at the object. I love this look.
Late at night, when it is time for Audrey's bed time, she gets really giggly. I love when her daddy starts to nibble on her neck and belly and she just laughs uncontrollably. There is nothing sweeter than a child's laugh. It is music to the ears and I'm so grateful for a husband that takes the time to continually put a smile on both of our faces.
Don't get me wrong, it's not all happy thoughts, lolly pops, rainbows and unicorns over here all the time! But I do have many of these moments where I'm just so happy. I think it is so much easier to appreciate these moments if you sit down to think about what your thankful for more often and for me, writing them down. It always makes me think about things and puts a smile on my face as I re-live the moments that I have had with my little girl.
These are just a few of the things I love about Audrey, I can't name them all, but this is what sticks out at the moment. I love her so much and am so thankful for her in my life and for the memories we are making.