Tuesday, February 21, 2012

words...I think

Well Audrey seems to be saying things, well, I think. They sound like words to me, so there you have it. She says, "yeah", "dadda" (still), "hi". Of course if I were to ask her to do any of these things in front of anyone, she would never in a million years do it, so you'll just have to take my word for it. I have also got her to say, "roarrrrr" like a bear and lately anytime she is holding something and she drops it, she totally lets out this "ughhhh" in frustration, like she's totally peeved that she has to bend over to get it. I hate how big she is getting. Tomorrow she will be 10 months, oh wait, yup, that was me just wiping away a tear.

1 comment:

Rob and Bri said...

I can't believe how big she is getting either! It seems like it's gone by so fast. She is so cute...seriously.