Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Big Two, Seven!

Well as most of you should know, yesterday, August 25th was my birthday. Happy Birthday Janica!!! Well it started off a couple weeks ago at the Stevenson's, it was Sara and my b-day's, so we got to pick what we wanted for dinner and of course dessert. Sara picked the dinner and I went with the dessert, so yummy, one of my favorites, spice cake with cream cheese frosting. Thanks Stevenson's it was so yummy! Then on Sunday, it was off to my parents for the same event, but I have the whole month of August to myself, and I chose to have this yummy beef brisket that my mom makes, mmmm goood! Thank you families for the Sunday dinners, it's always nice to celebrate part of your day with those closest to you. As for my actual b- day, it started with me going visiting teaching at 9:30 in the morning, it's my fault I should not procrastinate. And after we were done VT, my partner, and friend, Kriste and her to cute girls took me out to get a Birthday Doughnut, it was so good, thanks girls. Then of course it was lunch time so Bryce and I went to Gandolfo's, hey, I had a coupon, buy one get one free. Then a little while longer passed and we had to eat dinner, where else better then Texas Roadhouse, mmmmmm. I loved it as usual. I know it sounds like all we did was eat, and that's almost true, eating is fun and what better time to do it then on your b-day. I should have taken a before and after shot because I swear I gained 10lbs yesterday. After dinner I wanted to see a movie, so I let Bryce pick, and we ended up seeing "The Rocker" at the Junction in Ogden, it had its funny parts, but I have to say the best part about it was that we had the entire movie theater to ourselves! (I think that Bryce secretly rented out the whole theater, trying to have some alone time) wink wink. We tried inviting our friends the Wolsey's, but there anniversary happens to fall on my b-day and I think they had some other fun plans, you really missed out guys, there's always next year. As far as my present goes, I didn't get it yet. I have been wanting Bryce and I to get bikes for awhile now, and that was my present, it's just not here yet. I can't wait to get it and go for a ride, I'll make sure to post some action pictures. So thanks to all those that made this a special day, I loved it, I just wish that I could say I was looking forward to the next one!
Texas Roadhouse

Can you believe after all that food, we still have room for popcorn!


Kim Millard said...

Happy Birthday Girly!!! Sounds like a great day! I know all I like to do on my birthday is eat. (Mine is next, woo hoo!)

Alexis said...

Happy Birthday Hot Stuff!!!! I can't believe you are only 27. And a FINE one at that! I am struggling with my upcoming birthday :-( 29 sounds old!

sugaryfrogs.blogspot.com said...

Happy Birthday Jani! I don't see Spaghetti Factory on your birthday agenda! Can't wait to see your sweet ride, don't forget to wear your helmet.

Funky Farmers said...

HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BIIIRRRTTHDAAAYYYY! Jan- I got you some school supplies for your b-day! Are you so excited! So when's lunch? I'm ready when you are. Olive Garden sound good. Call me. Love ya

Rob and Bri said...

Happy Birthday JANICA!!! I just want you to know that I thought about you on your birthday and I was sending birthday wishes your way. I'm sorry I didn't call (baby brain). It looks like you had a fun day and I don't think you should ever have to cook or make any food on your birthday, so good idea on going out to eat. I love you lots! Cute pics by the way.

Love Fam said...

Happy B-lated b-day! That's my kind of day, I am all about the food!

Melissa said...

Happy Birthday REALLY late!! Sounds like you had a fun day. Now what's this about Korver being at Oakridge a couple weeks ago? And I missed him??? DANG IT!!!!! Well, if you ever run into him send him my way.... Or any other good looking single guy for that matter! :)